Throughout Slayers NEXT and Slayers TRY, Xelloss comes and goes as he pleases, though he often becomes a member of Lina's Company. Most of whom he has traveled with consider Xelloss to be annoying, which was, no doubt, Xelloss' plan from the start. Anyhow, let's take a look at the people Xelloss has spent some time with and how his relationship with them stands. Lina Inverse
Like Zelgadiss, Lina often becomes very annoyed with Xelloss and often beats him over the head for it (a signature trait for Lina). Lina is fully aware of Xelloss' |
nature but she still allows him to travel with her in Slayers TRY. She knows that he cannot be trusted but she also realizes that Xelloss can be useful for her own plans and uses him to her advantage. Gourry Gabriev
When we do see Xelloss conversing with Gourry, it appears as if Xelloss becomes more flustered than Gourry does. Actually, it doesn't seem as if Gourry is even effected by Xelloss' annoying habits... much to the annoyance of Xelloss. Perhaps this is why the two don't converse too much. However, Gourry believes that if Lina thinks Xelloss is alright, it's good enough for him.
Zelgadiss Greywords
Zelgadiss is always weary about Xelloss' intentions but it seems as if, by Slayers TRY, he has gotten used to Xelloss' treachery. Perhaps it's because he has more important matters to think about or maybe it's because he's used to Xelloss' old tricks. Either way, Zelgadiss has come to tolerate Xelloss to some extent. Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune The youngest of the group, Amelia is a girl who thrives on justice. So it makes sense that she's morally opposed to |
Xelloss after she finds out what he really is. A bit naive, she has attempted to get Xelloss to give up his ways... of course, that's impossible for Xelloss since he is completely evil.
Martina Zoana Mel Navratilova
Since then, she has been wildly in love (or so she claims) with the Priest. Martina's love for Xelloss lasted until she found out that he was a mazoku. Martina may be vengeful but she has a good heart and finding out Xelloss' secret was a big blow to her. She cried that she would never love again, but we all know that's not true in Martina's case. It seems as if Martina has a burning hatred towards Xelloss, more hatred than what she has for any other mazoku. Filia Ul Copt
It seems as if Filia is the only individual who has ever |
frustrated Xelloss. On many occasions, she has gotten so angry towards Xelloss that she transformed into her dragon form to try to kill Xelloss (or at least maim him severely). She is also the one who has coined "namagomi" (raw garbage) as Xelloss' new nickname. Valgarv
At any time through the series when both Valgarv and Xelloss appear together, they fight. Of course, it isn't just any old battle... it's a fast-paced one involving two incredibly powerful individuals. Valgarv hates Xelloss because of his (and the mazoku's) treachery towards Maryuu-oh Gaav. It's hard to say who's more powerful, but their spectacular battles are something else altogether.